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sexual health glossary

This glossary helps you understand the acronyms and terminology associated with sexual health used in Northern Ireland.

  • Abbreviations and acronyms

    BHSCT – Belfast Trust

    BV – Bacterial vaginosis

    CSE – Child sexual exploitation

    GP – General practitioner

    GUM clinic – Genitourinary medicine clinic also referred as sexual health clinic

    HIV – Human immunodeficiency virus

    HPV – Human papillomavirus

    HSV – Herpes simplex virus

    IUD – Intrauterine device

    IUS – Intrauterine system

    mPox – Monkey pox

    NHSCT – Northern Trust

    PeP – Post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV

    PID – Pelvic inflammatory disease

    PrEP – Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV

    SEHSCT – South Eastern Trust

    SHSCT – Southern Trust

    SRH clinic – Sexual and reproductive health clinic, also known as contraceptive clinic

    STI – Sexually transmitted infection

    TV – Trichomonas vaginalis

    U=U – Undetectable = Untransmittable

    UTI – Urinary tract infection

    WHSCT – Western Trust

  • A


    A procedure to end a pregnancy, sometimes known as termination.


    Not having sex with anyone. You can be abstinent if you’ve had sex before, are in a relationship, or have never had sex.

    Age of consent

    The age at which state law considers a person old enough to decide to have sex with someone.


    AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when the immune system has been severely damaged by the HIV virus.

    Anal sex

    When the penis is inserted into another person’s anus.


    A person who experiences little or no sexual attraction to others.

  • B

    Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

    Inflammation of the vulva/vagina (vaginitis) caused by a change in the balance of vaginal bacteria. It’s not an STD. Things like douching or having sex with a new partner can lead to BV.

    Barrier methods of birth control

    Birth control that blocks sperm from passing through the cervix (the barrier between the vagina and uterus). These include the condom, female condom, and diaphragm.

    Birth control

    Any behaviour, device, medicine, or procedure used to prevent pregnancy. Also known as contraception.


    Being sexually attracted to two or more genders.

  • C


    A sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria.

    Coil (IUD)

    A device, usually T-shaped, that contains copper and is fitted inside the womb to prevent pregnancy. IUD stands for intrauterine device.

    Combined pill

    Contraceptive pill containing two hormones, oestrogen and progestogen.


    A thin latex or plastic sheath placed over the penis (male condom) or in the vagina (female condom) to help prevent sperm reaching and fertilising the female egg. Used to help prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections.


    A range of methods for preventing pregnancy, including the use of hormones, surgery and devices.

    Contraceptive clinic

    Contraceptive clinics, also known as Sexual and Reproductive Health clinics, are a free and confidential service offering a range of contraceptive methods and advice about family planning and sexual health.

  • D

    Dental dam

    A dental dam is a square piece of latex or polyurethane. This can be placed over the anus or female genitals during oral sex to act as a barrier to help prevent STIs passing from one person to another.


  • E


    When a man reaches climax and his penis produces sperm.

    Emergency contraception

    Commonly known as the ‘morning after pill’. Used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex (sex without a condom) or sex without another form of contraceptive.

    Erectile dysfunction

    Inability to achieve an erection (an erect penis), also known as impotence.


    When a man’s penis is temporarily harder and bigger than usual, and points upwards.

  • F

    Family planning

    Term used for managing birth control through the use of contraception.


    Any kind of sexual activity that leads up to, but doesn’t include, full intercourse.

  • G


    Homosexual. Someone who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

    Genital herpes

    A sexually transmitted viral infection of the genitals.

    Genital warts

    A viral infection of the genital area.


    The outer sexual organs, especially the penis or vulva.


    A sexually transmitted bacterial infection.


    Genitourinary medicine. The diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

    GUM clinic

    Genitourinary medicine clinic, also known as sexual health clinic. A clinic which provides a range of sexual health services to treat and prevent sexually transmitted infections. Often combined with family planning clinics (as with Umbrella) to form full sexual health clinics.


    Specialist study of women’s reproductive health.

  • H


    Attracted to people of the opposite sex.


    HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens the ability to fight everyday infections and disease.


    Dislike or fear of, discrimination against, or hatred towards homosexuals.


    A person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex.

  • I


    Intrauterine device. A device, usually T-shaped, that contains copper and is fitted inside the womb to prevent pregnancy.


    Intrauterine system. A T-shaped device that contains the hormone progestogen and is fitted inside the womb to prevent pregnancy.


  • L


    A female who is sexually attracted to other females.

  • M


    Touching or stimulating your own genitals for sexual pleasure.

  • N


    An umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn’t sit comfortably with ‘man’ or ‘woman’. People may identify with some aspects of binary identities, while others reject them entirely.

  • O

    Oral sex

    Stimulating a partner’s genitals with the mouth, lips or tongue. This includes fellatio (sucking or licking somebody’s penis), cunnilingus (licking somebody’s vagina, vulva or clitoris), or anilingus (licking somebody’s anus).

  • P


    Post-exposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure to HIV. A treatment given to help reduce the chance of catching HIV after unprotected sex.


    Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. A regular pill given to a person to stop them from getting HIV.

    Progestogen-only pill (POP)

    Oral contraceptive pill containing one hormone, progestogen.

  • Q


    The process of exploring your sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

  • R


    Also known as contraceptive implant. A small, flexible plastic rod placed under the skin of the arm, which slowly releases the hormone progestogen over a period of around three years.

  • S

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

    Infections passed by oral, vaginal and/or anal sexual contact.

    Sexual reproductive health clinic (SRH clinic)

    Sexual and reproductive health clinics, also known as contraceptive clinics, are a free and confidential service offering a range of contraceptive methods and advice about family planning and sexual health.


    Any feeling of illness or physical or mental change which is caused by a particular infection or disease.


    Bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI). Can be passed by sexual contact with an infected person.

  • T

    Termination of pregnancy

    Also known as abortion. The medical process of ending a pregnancy.


    An umbrella term for people whose gender identity is not the same as or does not sit comfortably with the sex they were assigned at birth.


  • U

    Unprotected sex

    Sex without using a condom.

  • V


    Caused by a virus.


    An extremely small organism which multiplies within a living host (for example, a human), and spreads among hosts, causing disease.