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A diaphragm is a barrier form of contraception. It is a disc or small dome made of thin, soft silicone or latex which covers the cervix (entrance to the womb).

If correctly used, diaphragms and caps are estimated to be between 92% and 96% effective. If not used correctly they are less effective.

A diaphragm does not provide protection against STIs.

  • How does it work?

    Diaphragm fits inside your vagina before sex and prevents pregnancy by stopping sperm entering the womb. You need apply spermicide (gel, foam, cream or suppository that kills sperm) to your diaphragm before sex.

    Diaphrams create a barrier separating sperm ejaculated into your vagina during intercourse and your uterus. Spermicide immobilizes sperm so they don’t reach your uterus.

  • Advantages
    • It is portable, reusable, and hormone-free.
    • It gives a woman control over her decisions to become pregnant and does not interfere with her natural hormone production.
    • It is safe to use during breastfeeding and has no serious health risks or side effects.
    • It is effective right away and reversible as soon as you stop using it.
    • It can be inserted several hours before vaginal intercourse and does not require daily use.
  • Disadvantages

    It can take time to use a diaphragm properly, adding spermicide and inserting it correctly.

    They can cause:

    • urinary tract infections (UTIs);
    • toxic shock syndrome (this is very rare);
    • skin irritation to you or your sexual partner caused by latex or spermicide.
  • Where to get it?

    You can buy them from pharmacies and some online stores, but if you’re not confident using them it’s a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor or nurse.

    Where to get contraception | Sexual Health NI (