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Living well – Looking after your sexual health

The latest Living Well campaign is highlighting the importance of looking after your sexual health. The campaign is running in community pharmacies during October and November.

Living Well is a community-based pharmacy service offered in over 500 pharmacies across Northern Ireland. It is delivered in partnership with the Public Health Agency, Community Pharmacy NI, and the Department of Health. The service supports people in improving their health and wellbeing by:

•    raising awareness of various public health messages and campaigns;
•    sharing of health and wellbeing information;
•    signposting to a relevant health professional, service or support in the community;
•    using behavioural interventions, if appropriate.

Through the Living Well service, pharmacies help address risk factors that contribute to ill health in Northern Ireland.

The Living Well campaign will contribute to the objectives of the Department of Health’s Sexual Health Action Plan 2023-2026 by focusing on the availability of and access to contraception; and the availability of and access to testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The campaign key messages include:

  • Good sexual health means being able to make informed choices about sex and relationships.
  • Condoms help prevent STIs and unplanned pregnancy.
  • Not all STIs have symptoms.
  • If you think you may be at risk of having an STI, get tested.

Campaign resources have been developed to raise awareness that contraception is free and widely available from multiple providers. The campaign also seeks to raise awareness of reducing the risk of getting an STI with signposting on how and where to access free testing and treatment.

As part of the Living Well campaign, community pharmacies across Northern Ireland are providing the free information leaflet Looking after your sexual health.